“With over 23 years of experience in the medical industry
and a love for helping people, I will make you feel Radiant.
— Sherry

Dermal Fillers

Utilized for those stubborn lines that won’t completely go away, to restore lost volume that may come with age or to recreate the beautiful cheek bones you once had fillers can be used to defy the aging process.

Tired of laying expensive creams and still not seeing reduction in wrinkles. Wanting that plump youthful glow? Dermal fillers are the solution for you. We currently offer Restylane & Juvederm products. 

What they do: 

Dermal filler is used to erase lines & temporarily replace facial volume lost due to aging in areas  including the cheeks, lips and nasolabial folds.  

Injectable fillers can last anywhere from six months up to two years. 

Areas to treat: 

  • Cheeks 

  • Mid-Face 

  • Nasolabial Folds (frown lines) 

  • Lips 

  • Chins 


  • 6 months-2 years (results vary based on product & placement)